A Shimmer of Angels
Lisa M. Basso
Month9Books, January 2013
Lisa M. Basso
Month9Books, January 2013
An intriguing new series with a nice change in the supernatural focus: angels. And a whole range of angel types with those wings. There is some romance, some murder-mystery, and some compelling relationships among the characters.
Rayna sees wings ... attached to living beings. And she is unsure just how sane that makes her.
Basso has started a great series with enough complexity that there may be a sustainable story line across more than one or two books. Rayna's loyalty to friends, her love for her sister (sometimes straining the reader's credulity) and the dynamic complex of interaction with the angels she is inexplicably able to see, all work together very well to make an engaging read.
The plot line is not as cohesive as I would like: some twists in the plot and setting seem to lack enough foreshadowing to make the line credible. But this should tighten up as the series builds -- definitely worth waiting for.
What's different about this book?
No one believes Rayna actually sees angels -- even the angels themselves, at first. So this provokes an interesting situation that Basso uses skillfully. I wanted to know the context for Rayna's ability, and I wanted to see where the author would go with that kernel of an idea. I liked where the book took me, and I'm looking forward to the coming titles in the "Angel Sight" series. Fresh and intriguing.
What will I do now that I've read this?
My young adult readers will be equally intrigued, I think, so I'll be purchasing this for my high school library network and talking the title to my readers and colleagues. Nice touch in this fresh story line.
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