A Maynard Moose Tale
Willy Claflin, James Stimson
August House / LittleFolk
January 2014
Reading a digital ARC just doesn't do this book justice. The story line and rhythmic language and folksy moose speak (as interpreted in modern English) are grand, but the wonder of the illustrations is diminished by the cross-screen portions that the ARC on a device delivers.
What's different about this book:
I am drawn to the modern-day old folksy touch, and I particularly like the legend-building narrative about Mother Moose and her kitchen where she creates all things. I think the illustrations accompanying the story (if seen side by side) would really enhance the text of Little Moose who can't get to sleep. I think little ones will identify readily with Little Moose whose brain is just sooo busy. And readers of all ages will enjoy the gentle humor that leaks around the edges of the story lines.
What I'll do now that I've read it:
I have not paid attention to the Maynard Moose series before now, and I like the feel and the looks of this latest release. My libraries will be adding this series to their consideration pages -- great stuff for both libraries and homes.
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