by Elizabeth Wein
Disney Book Group
March 2015
A well-crafted historical fiction that looks at a time and place seldom noticed: 1930s Ethiopia on the brink of war with Italy.
What's different about this book
With amazing characterization and plot development, built around the lives of two American aviatrices, one Caucasian and the other African American, author Elizabeth Wein transfixes the reader with the culture and milieu of noble Ethiopia. Because the reader comes to care about the characters who love Ethiopia, the country itself becomes a primary focus -- and of primary appreciation. I've seldom read a work of historical fiction that drew me into the setting the way this book did.
What I'll do now that I've read it
This book has so many reasons for me to share it with library patrons: global and African history, international intrigue and politics, strong women protagonists, struggles for civil rights and human dignity, historic spiritual values and treasure, and two completely convincing teens who must fight to come of age, all while supported by non-traditional family and friends whom the reader comes to love. Great depth. Important stories. Vital understanding.
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