John M. Frame
P & R Publishing
February 2015
The accolades and resounding praise for Dr. Frame's writings in this volume need nothing more added. They are well deserved. This review serves instead to reflect how the material within the book has served an individual Christian who seeks and appreciates the deeper reasoning reflected in God's world.
What's different about this book
Dr. Frame's thoughtful and cogent writings have the beautiful dual feature of being sound theologically and amazingly applicable to a Christian's life. No better example can serve than the first chapter in this volume, "Inerrancy: A place to life." I particularly enjoyed the way this seminal and critical presupposition is spoken of a "home" and "where we live." Truly, the concept serves to anchor all discussions in the book itself, but more importantly, in the lives we live within the Kingdom.
"Biblical inerrancy provides us a place to stand, a way to live."
If I needed further convincing about the importance of this volume for personal reading, I would have found it in the fact that this accessible book cites [and makes clear!] some of Alvin Plantinga's material for Christian philosophers. That discussion alone is worth a great deal.
Each of these chapters presents savory discussions: meat for the theologian in each believer, as well as substance for the stand believers need to take to a witnessing world. Chapter 30, "Church discipline," particularly served as a clear example of sound, compelling theology as well as practical encouragement for one's daily walk. As did Dr. Frame, I grew up learning nothing of this concept, despite being in biblical and orthodox churches. He provides a great discussion that speaks to the importance for both life and church life.
What I'll do now that I've read it
This volume stands at the top of my Must Have list for church libraries. We will be purchasing that for each such library where I serve. But this one also fits into my personal library and my personal readings-to-revisit. Very accessible, but also very compelling reading.
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