Sunday, March 22, 2015

John Frame's Selected Shorter Writings, Volume 2

John Frame's Selected Shorter Writings, Volume 2
John M. Frame
P & R Publishing
February 2015

The accolades and resounding praise for Dr. Frame's writings in this volume need nothing more added.  They are well deserved.  This review serves instead to reflect how the material within the book has served an individual Christian who seeks and appreciates the deeper reasoning reflected in God's world.

What's different about this book 
Dr. Frame's thoughtful and cogent writings have the beautiful dual feature of being sound theologically and amazingly applicable to a Christian's life.  No better example can serve than the first chapter in this volume, "Inerrancy: A place to life."  I particularly enjoyed the way this seminal and critical presupposition is spoken of a "home" and "where we live."  Truly, the concept serves to anchor all discussions in the book itself, but  more importantly, in the lives we live within the Kingdom.  
"Biblical inerrancy provides us a place to stand, a way to live."

If I needed further convincing about the importance of this volume for personal reading, I would have found it in the fact that this accessible book cites [and makes clear!] some of Alvin Plantinga's material for Christian philosophers.  That discussion alone is worth a great deal. 

Each of these chapters presents savory discussions:  meat for the theologian in each believer, as well as substance for the stand believers need to take to a witnessing world.  Chapter 30, "Church discipline," particularly served as a clear example of sound, compelling theology as well as practical encouragement for one's daily walk.  As did Dr. Frame, I grew up learning nothing of this concept, despite being in biblical and orthodox churches.  He provides a great discussion that speaks to the importance for both life and church life.
What I'll do now that I've read it
This volume stands at the top of my Must Have list for church libraries.  We will be purchasing that for each such library where I serve.  But this one also fits into my personal library and my personal readings-to-revisit.  Very accessible, but also very compelling reading.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Friday, March 20, 2015

Murder in Hindsight and the New Scotland Yard mystery series - 6 ★★★★★

Murder in Hindsight: A New Scotland Yard Mystery
Anne Cleeland
Kensington Books
March 2015

This. is. the. best. mystery. series. ever.

When I review a new release from a series, I try to start with the first title, read through all in order, and then culminate with the latest.  I did so for the New Scotland Yard Mystery series, so in a way this review considers all three titles available to date: Murder in Thrall, Murder in Retribution, and this.

What's different about this series/book
Writing this review is somewhat overwhelming:  I'll never be able to explain the many ways this book delights, again and again.

So many of us are such busy people.  It's a real commitment to sit up too late reading because a book is so good.

But while "up late reading" is a compliment, this book found me also getting up too early, because doing so would allow me more time to read during the day.

Yes, this book / this series is that good.  What's different that makes each book so compelling?  It's the character of the protagonists:  the good but complex Kathleen Doyle, as well as the darker and more complex Michael Sinclair, Lord Upton.  The opposites do attract, but oh, my, their complicated relationship is its own character.  I am grateful that love and commitment are absolute givens in this series, and the plot lines in each book test that commitment but never break it.  And I supremely appreciate the resolute and abiding faith that binds the action and the characters: Because of it, redemption and grace can be applied to the plot and to the people in the story at just the right time.  It adds a depth to this wonderful story that many other books fall short of.

Another difference is the twist built into each character:  Doyle is fey, and Acton is obsessive.  And it works beautifully to solve crimes and love each other even more.

While characters and relationships abound far beyond the two main characters, the action and suspense are exceptionally different as well. I delight in the way I can't imagine who dunit, and yet I delight equally in the detecting and resolving of the murders and the crimes.  I love the way the author does not tell the reader everything that is happening, so that when more is revealed later, you look back at the point where you wondered, and it all comes together so beautifully.

I sound very poetic here -- but truly, each story in the series, and particularly this third book, is an exceptional read.  Someone who opens the first page of the first book will not be content to put it down.  Be sure to have the second and third book ready at hand.

What I'll do now that I've read it
Yes, each of my libraries with age-appropriate patrons (they are a married couple, after all) will be purchasing the series -- and this third title as soon as it becomes available.

Uncharacteristically for me as a reviewer, I'm also personally buying copies for my family members who love murder mysteries, police procedurals, suspense, and compelling romance. I don't remember a better book, in any of these categories, in my remembered reading life.  This is the best, and each title builds on the previous.  Do not let yourself miss this chance at sublime reading.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Burj Khalifa by Stuart Kallen

Burj Khalifa: The Tallest Tower in the World
Stuart Kallen
Norwood House Press
January 2014

Forget the retailer's stated interest level (grades 3-6).  This is a great read for anyone open to new ideas and global places.

What's different about this book
Really, adult fiction just doesn't do justice to the visual reality that this elementary non-fiction provides.  The pictures are intriguing, and the facts are clearly stated in comparable images for the younger reader.  Older readers need 'em too.  Perhaps best of all was the comprehensive coverage of information.  There were a few times when I wanted to know more, but almost always the author covered exactly what I would have asked, if I had known enough to ask.  Nice reporting and engaging reading.

What I'll do now that I've read it
This is on our purchase lists, and we'll be book-talking it to not only students, but to the STEM teachers and administration as well.  This tower is an intriguing and interesting subject, and the book does an excellent job communicating that interest to the reader.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Undertow by Michael Buckley

by Michael Buckley
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
May 2015

This story feels like a new setting for Buckley (The Sisters Grimm and N.E.R.D.S).  Lyric Walker, the protagonist, shares a different take on high school and teens who don't fit in -- compounded by a new segregation order put into effect.  The not-human Alpha teens face the same threats of violence that history has reported, but now Lyric is in the middle of that violence and change.

What's different about this book
The non-human Alpha came from the ocean, arriving right on the beach at Coney Island where Lyric's family has lived.  The different kind of "different" gives the whole story line a fresh feel -- but a familiar one where violence and death and making allies to survive paint a vivid picture of teen life.  The story crafting is solid; Buckley is an accomplished author, and this different setting should please a lot of science fiction and dystopian readers.  The pacing seemed uneven at times, but the slow and steady development of characters and setting and plot never seemed slow.  The end rushes at the reader, though, in tumultuous and enthralling events. 

What I'll do now that I've read it
This title will be enthusiastically "book talked" to our YA patrons, as well as to adults who enjoy skillful world-making and plot twists. I regret the book won't be out until May, and it will be even longer before the next book in the series comes out.  This will be a worthwhile purchase and read.

* * * * * * * * * * * *