Jennifer Echols
Threshold, Pocket Books
May 2013
A good read. Not a must-read but still interesting.
Holly has the ability to levitate both herself and objects and people in the world around her. But her parents drug her so she won't be aware of her ability. Turns out she's not the only one.
Holly is something of a normal adolescent and then young adult -- that is, sometimes ditzy, petty, and impulsive. But the story of her affinity for Elijah from 9th grade on is constant and unswerving. This particular story resolves satisfyingly but is obviously the first of a series. The more interesting characters and developments may lie in the books that follow.
What's different about this book
There is often a correlation between the age of the protagonists in a novel and the age of the intended reader. If true in this case, Levitating Las Vegas is the first book I have read that was targeted for early 20-somethings and college-aged readers.
And the setting -- Las Vegas! What a ripe venue to show a behind-the-scenes story of what business as usual looks like.
What I'll do now that I've read the book
Of all the l libraries I work with and purchase for, this age range is not one of them. Since it's not a compelling read, I don't think I have anyone that I will be sharing it with. That's not intended to say it's not worth reading. It's just not a must-read.
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