edited by Lee ChildSimon & Schuster
Pub Jun 2017

Matchup is the second such anthology, and this time the pairings involve "the battle of the sexes" (think Diana Gabaldon and Steve Berry, Kathy Reichs and Lee Child).
Both collections are fun, clever, and evocative for readers of these renowned authors.
But both require a new approach to reading: an anthology literacy, if you will, that changes how readers approach the book.
What's different about this book?
Short-story reading has always been something of a "choose your own" process where the reader can decide which, if any (or all) of the stories gets read. These titles complicate things a little: Choices have to be made according to which of the iconic characters you want to follow, and the best entertainment results when both authors, both iconic figures, are well-known to the reader. The result in such cases is a delightful adventure of much-loved characters with the catalyst of an equally loved character offering a third-person perspective of that character.
If that sounds confusing, it's not. It's a great ride!
One unexpected benefit is meeting NEW icons in the thriller setting - and deciding to perhaps pursue that author's series as well as the ones held dear.
What I'll do now that I've read it
It's a no-brainer: For every library patron that loves a particular thriller series, there is double or triple the potential that the patron will enjoy the pairings, and even expand the reading focus.
ITW, never an organization to do things by the book, has hit upon a genius plan to fund the group's work (it doesn't charge member dues) and to reward the authors' readers as well. Both Faceoff and Matchup belong in the collection of libraries where mystery / suspense / thriller books are popular. Or where they might become popular.
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